Saturday, 20 April 2013

warrender baths 125th birthday party on may 6th, fun run.

 Warrender Swim Centre is having some 125th Birthday celebrations this May and one of our events is to be a wee trot around Arthur's Seat and some of the Meadows. Anyone is invited and an optional fee of £2 (two pound) will be donated to our nominated Sick Kids Hospital Charity. Victorian Costume theme!!! Prizes!!!! Juice, banter and healthy biscuits at the end. Thanks!!! 
Oh aye, its Monday the 6th May from 7pm. And it's Victorian Costume, really it is. But you don't like, totally have to.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

rock'n'roll windy half

to those who chose to take part & finish the Edinburgh Rock'n'Roll half-,
we salute you. 
well done-hope your recovery goes well & we see you soon.