Monday, 28 October 2013

jogscotland jogleaders of the year

Many Many thanks for voting for us guys- we had a great night & a huge surprise when they called our names out as someone from our table had already won ;
Run 4 It Achiever of the Year – Carolyn McAlpine (jogscotland Tarbert) 
so thanks again, there are some pictures on the jogscotty facebook page & hopefully i'll be able to upload some pictures soon,
oops here's one!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

this racing weekend

some great times had in aviemore & chicago,well done all.i think aviemore must count as one of the prettiest half marathons & 10k,
                                          ok, so it's loch an eilan-but it's close!
& then there is the cake shop to visit too to watch the birds & squirrels.
lovely running weather too.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

jogscotlandfromwestwoods christmas night out

Get in before the rush- our christmas night out -organised by Colin is on
 friday the 29th of november.
It's at Pomegranate at 8pm in the arabian tent themed room-
[belly dancing optional]
Middle eastern food including veggie
 £25 per person, byob-no corkage.
£5 deposit asap secures your place 
of which only 35 are available.
please give to your jogleader in an envelope 
with your name on it!!

Sunday, 6 October 2013

saturday awayday run

12 of us left edinburgh & met ali in south queensferry.
we went for a lovely run &  even got feet & sometimes knees muddy.
then we repaired to the rail bridge coffee emporium & had scone,coffees & bacon butties.
well done all.
pictures & alzheimer donation to follow.
thanks to ali for intrepidly leading the way,

Thursday, 3 October 2013

saturdays news [as i appear to have broken the info box!]

This saturday 5th October, NO jogscotland from westwoods
-we're off to the countryside.
Normal service resumes on the 12th


Steady run for approx 1 hour.
5-6min km speed.
meet in the West woods cafe area
£3 a session- pay as you go


 NEW  intermediate 10 week course starting 12th of October

NEW int 2 course starting Saturday 12th of October
[for people who can jog for 40 mins or 5k ]
10week course
£25 for 10weeks or £3 pay as you go

saturday[5th october] away day to hopetoun/south queensferry

meeting either at westwoods at 845 to car share out to south queensferry, or at the carparking at the shore for about 930.
shorter & longer routes- about 5k or about 10k. [& not like the deerstalker!]
normal dues collected for alzheimers , don't forget coffee money for afterwards.
& ideas for christmas night out....