Tuesday, 25 March 2014

master the art of running

special early invitation to get a space for an amazing workshop in May.
Malcolm Balk is an Alexander technique teacher , who can transform running form using some very simple techniques , including video-ing before & afters .
He's coming to edinburgh for one day only & it's the bank holiday monday in may.
let me know if you are interested, limited numbers.

  Edinburgh [central]
  Monday 5th of May  130pm-5pm
  please contact fionamarymac@gmail for registration & details

Sunday, 16 March 2014

5 X50 challenge-coming soon

 for everyone about to sign up to this very worthwhile challenge- i have created a team 
for Jogscotlandfromwestwoods.
The great news is that you don't need to run every day but 30 minutes of daily activity is all that is required!
or as Dr Andy Murray says- just keep still for 23.5 hours!
hope to see lots of you sign up in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

end of thursday night block beers

see you all tomorrow for a wee half afterwards,
rumour has it we're off to the Bailey,

Monday, 3 March 2014

new jogscotland courses for Saturdays

NEW intermediate 10 week course starting  
15th ofMarch
meet in Westwoods cafe area
[for people who can jog for 40 mins or 5k ]
915-1030am 10week course
£25 for 10weeks or £3 pay as you go

meet in Westwoods cafe area
NEW beginners course starting
Saturday 15th of March
1030 am -11.30am
10week course
[for people who can jog for 15 mins or 2k , bring a friend]
£25 for 10weeks or £3 pay as you go