Thursday, 10 May 2012

‘ART OF RUNNING’ with Malcolm Balk

           ‘ART OF RUNNING’ with Malcolm Balk
Date: Monday 21st May 2012
Time: 6.30pm – 10pm
Location: 42 Royal Park Terrace, Edinburgh, EH8 8JA
Cost: £65
The ‘Art of Running’ session is based on the principles of the Alexander Technique and aimed at anyone interested in running. It is suitable for all ages, experience and levels of fitness. Video analysis is used for ‘’ before and after’’ study.
Malcolm Balk lives, runs and teaches the Alexander Technique in Montreal, Canada. He is a Level 4 middle distance coach and the former Head Coach of the Cross Country and Track and Field programs at Concordia University. A competitive Masters runner, Malcolm has completed six marathons, most recently a sub-3 hour at age 50.
As a coach and runner, Balk knows the importance of ease of movement, so his ultimate goal is to improve running form. His focus with athletes is to help them replace bad postural habits with a more efficient style that Balk says will enhance performance, reduce the risk of injury better results and reduce injuries through the use of the Alexander Technique.
In the course of the session with Malcolm you will learn to
·        Release tension and stiffness
·        Reduce risk of injury, while increasing performance
·        Identify & change harmful habits that keep you from performing to your full potential

For further enquiries or details, please contact Amanda Shearman
e mail: or mobile 07968 333 464

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