Clare R said a few words about the charity the barbecue was in aid of [The Vine Trust] link to her fundraising page here ;
we took a couple of pictures but it was quite breezy so we didn't hang about & headed out for the several runs, i'm sure the rest found that as soon as we started moving it was warm up time again.
Andrew , Gail & Alistair Dean put on a great spread, which was pretty much dealt with by hungry runners & friends.
the veggies even had their own segregated grill [thankyou- that does mean a lot]
& the pudding/cakes disappeared as if there had been no starter burgers...
not sure if anyone from westwoods really clocked what was going on but we were wearing our teeshirts at the start- then hoodies, hats,scarves, gloves.
thanks again to the deans for a magnificent effort, see you all again next week!
clares fundraising page is :